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Be an Advocate


"I think that's a great opportunity for you, and I'm fully supportive."

You say it because it’s the right thing to say. Because you mean it. Because your team needs need to hear it.

But do they really know? Do they understand that you trust them? That you’re behind them every step of the way? Do they really feel the weight of your words, or do they think you’re just checking a box, going through the motions?

No, they don’t always know. They don’t know because words alone aren’t enough. Because they’ve seen promises fall through, seen leaders who say one thing and do another. They don’t know because they’ve been taught to question, to doubt, to wait for the other shoe to drop. They’ve been burned before, so why should this time be any different?

So, no, your words aren’t getting through. You think they know where they stand with you, but do they? You believe they feel your support, but have you shown it—really shown it? You might be closer than you think to those leaders who say they’re there for their team, only to leave them hanging when it counts. You might believe you’re giving them everything they need, but if they’re not feeling it, then what’s the point?

It’s easy to assume that your team knows you’ve got their back. After all, you say the words. You think it’s clear. But is it? How often have you assumed they knew what you meant, only to realize too late that they were uncertain, doubting, maybe even feeling alone in their challenges? How often have you expected them to read between the lines, to just get it, without you having to spell it out? But why should they have to guess? Why should they have to fill in the gaps when you could be the one making it unmistakably clear?

Don’t be that leader who assumes too much and says too little. Don’t let your words ring hollow, thinking they carry more weight than they do. Don’t wait for a crisis to prove you mean what you say. Back it up now. Show them. Show them that when you say you support them, it’s not just lip service. Show them that when you say you believe in them, it’s not just for show. Show them that your support is more than words—it’s actions, it’s presence, it’s being there when it matters most.

Because here’s the thing: If they don’t know, if they don’t feel it in their bones, then what are you really doing? If they can’t trust that you’re there for them, that you’ll back them up, then what’s the point? You might as well be silent, for all the good empty words will do.

So, don’t be that leader. Don’t let your words fall short. Don’t assume they know where they stand. Make sure of it. Make sure they feel your support in everything you do. Be clear. Be consistent. Follow through with action that matches your words. And don’t stop there. Keep showing up, keep proving it, day in and day out.

They deserve that. They need that. And if you’re serious about leading, then you need it too.