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It's a Two Way Street


“I want this project to succeed for you because you trusted me.”

Those are real words spoken to me during a challenging project.

Ever wondered what the secret ingredient is in high-performing teams? It's trust, a two-way street that starts with you. Your team is watching you, keenly observing every action you take, every decision you make. They're searching for steadiness, honesty, and fairness. When you say something, it should carry the weight of a promise. But trust doesn't stop there. Show your team that you trust them, and watch as they rise to meet your expectations.

Consider the moment when you're about to announce a challenging project. Your team is on edge, filled with anticipation and uncertainty. This is your opportunity to instill confidence, not through empty reassurances, but through transparency and trust in their abilities.

When you lay out the project's challenges and your belief in their ability to overcome them, you're not just informing them. You're treating them as equals, as partners. You're showing them that you trust them to handle what's coming. This first step of trust is a giant leap towards creating a cohesive and successful team.

As the project gets underway, you'll encounter problems and rising tensions. This is when your leadership is truly tested. You could choose to sidestep the issues, but you know that's not the path to trust. Instead, you walk straight into the chaos, tackling issues head-on. You demonstrate that fairness isn't just a buzzword; it's your guiding principle. And by entrusting your team with responsibilities and decision-making, you show them your trust is not misplaced.

Your team sees your unwavering commitment, your resolve, and your integrity. More importantly, they see your trust in them. This trust, paired with your leadership, becomes a powerful motivator. It encourages them to trust you and each other more, fostering a collaborative and unified front.

Trust is like a delicate plant that needs nurturing. You've sown the seeds with your honesty, fairness, and by showing trust in your team. You nurture these seeds with open communication and shared experiences. You stand with your team in victories and setbacks, reinforcing the idea that your trust in them isn't conditional.

Building a winning team comes down to one key factor: trust. It's the binding force that turns a group of individuals into a powerful team. Your role as a leader is to create an environment of mutual trust and respect.

Being a leader isn't about having all the answers. It's about fostering an environment where everyone feels safe to ask questions, take risks, and depend on each other. It's about showing trust in your team, and in return, earning their trust in return. As Seth Godin wisely said, "Earn trust, earn trust, earn trust. Then you can worry about the rest". Your journey towards leadership starts here, with trust. Be consistent, and never forget the power of trust.