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The Hidden Strength of Great Leaders
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- Jason Ehmke
- @jason_ehmke
Unlike the powerful and well-connected philosophers of his time, Epictetus wasn't born with silver spoons, royal tutors, or grand libraries. Born a slave in Hierapolis, he had no power, no control. And yet, he is one of the most influential thinkers the world has ever known.
Epictetus's master, Epaphroditus, was a wealthy and powerful freedman, and a secretary to Nero. Epaphroditus could decide what Epictetus did, who he talked to, and where he went. He held the reins of Epictetus's life. Yet, Epictetus found a way to think, to grow, to be a philosopher.
The point is, no matter how many books you've written, how many direct reports you have, or how brilliant your ideas are, remember one thing - life is not always within your control.
There are moments when we find ourselves in situations that are just out of our hands. A colleague can challenge your ideas, causing your planning to stall. A higher-up can reject your proposal to purchase a new piece of software, forcing you to use something not as powerful. A competitive coworker can add you to endless meetings, eating up your time and energy. One upset team member can spread negativity within your team, or worse, in a public forum or online.
Epictetus experienced such constraints. These challenges are universal and inescapable. No one is exempt, and no one can conquer them all. We must come to terms that we can't control every aspect of life. We are bound to feel the effects of others' decisions, their whims, their vices, their mistakes, their egos.
The reality is we can either choose to let it bring us down or we can accept it. We can resent the universe, harbor resentment over the issues we face, or we can remember what Epictetus taught - the universe doesn’t take note or show pity.
This is not a call to give up or be apathetic. Leadership isn't about always being in control, but about learning to maneuver the currents of change. It’s about understanding the motives of those who might push back, seeking different approaches when obstacles appear too large, and seeing each challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Leadership, as the Stoics instruct us, is not about avoiding setbacks, but about rising stronger each time you stumble. It's about honing yourself into the best leader you can be. Are you ready for the challenge?