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Keep the Discipline
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- Jason Ehmke
- @jason_ehmke
The biggest war you will ever fight is with yourself.
– David Goggins
Imagine you're leading a team assigned to develop a new software project. As weeks turn into months, the excitement of the project begins to fade. Your team members start showing signs of burnout, morale declines, and you can sense the creeping shadow of mediocrity starting to settle in.
Here is where the battle against complacency begins. The lure of 'good enough' is strong, and taking shortcuts to meet deadlines is hard to resist. You could push the project out with minor bugs and heavy technical debt, promising to fix it all in the next update. You could cut corners on user testing to make your launch date. But let’s face it, you never do. That’s just not how it works.
This is the exact moment when your discipline needs to kick in, to hold the line against the comfort of mediocrity. It's easier to make excuses than to enforce quality control when the pile of work seems endless. It's tempting to settle, to convince yourself that what you've done is enough. But ‘good enough’ isn't why you do what you do, is it?
You're here to challenge the status quo, to deliver a project that can make a difference. It's up to you to remind your team of the big picture. It's up to you to ignite that spark of discipline and reignite the fire in their eyes. You need to remind them, and yourself, that the struggle, the exhaustion, it all adds up to something - a testament to your unwavering discipline and commitment.
It’s not enough to just stay afloat; you need to cut through the sea of complacency and mediocrity. Because in the real world, discipline is not a luxury, it's a necessity.
Settling is not an option.