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If You Don't Reflect, Others Will


Leadership, particularly when it comes to matters of reputation and moral decision-making, is a matter of deep personal scrutiny. To effectively leading others, you have to first lead yourself, and that starts with self-reflection.

This doesn't exist in a vacuum. When you lead, people are watching. They're assessing your actions, interpreting your decisions, and making judgments that ultimately contribute to your reputation. What's more, each decision you make has the power to influence their lives. As such, the burden of decision-making can feel overwhelming, especially when those decisions might be unpopular or scrutinized. How can you be sure of your decisions if you don't reflect on them?

When your actions stem from a place of self-understanding, you embody leadership that's both courageous and authentic. Your reputation then becomes a reflection of your integrity. Just like any powerful leader from history, your actions start to precede you, creating a reputation that's both earned and deserved.

Leadership is a mindset. It's how we approach challenges, how we navigate complexities, and most importantly, how we hold ourselves accountable for our actions and decisions. That accountability, is born from rigorous self-reflection. The more we understand ourselves, the better we can serve those we're responsible for.

Here's to aiming for a level of leadership that goes beyond mere effectiveness and dives deep into meaningful impact.